Homeowner Assistance

If you are having difficulty making your mortgage payment, one of the most important things you can do is seek assistance. Taking action now can help you protect your family from the loss of your home. The following page was created to help you find advice, information, and web links that will help you keep your home.

China Everbright Bank Group continues to make prudent attempts to find solutions for homeowners having trouble making their mortgage payments. If you cannot afford your monthly mortgage payments and wish to avoid foreclosure, you may be eligible for a loan “workout” or modification. We determine eligibility for loan “workouts” on a case-by-case basis. Among other things, we will consider the value of your property and your ability (based on your current income) to make monthly mortgage payments in accordance with the “workout.”

If you are interested in exploring any of the options listed above, you will need to provide us with certain financial information, including the following:

• Your most recent pay stub
• List of current monthly expenses
• Your most recent tax return
• Bank statements
• A current valuation of your property such as an appraisal, if applicable

If you would like to discuss your options to avoiding foreclosure with us, please contact us: [email protected].


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