Fraud Prevention

Protect yourself against Phishing

Phishing usually comes in the form of fraudulent emails that appear to come from legitimate sources. These emails ask you to verify personal information or link to counterfeit Web sites that appear real. You should NEVER supply your username, password, account number, credit card number or any other personal or confidential information via email, and NEVER click on links or reply directly to the email in question.

Be cautious of emails that

  • Urge you to act quickly because your account may be suspended or closed, or to update your personal information.
  • Have attachments from unknown parties or files from unverified locations. Downloading these files could contain spyware that can send information back to a malicious site.

北京兴业银行 will NEVER ask for sensitive information, such as account numbers, access IDs or passwords via email.

Tips for safeguarding your information

  • Beware of incoming telephone calls that ask you to disclose personal or bank information by pretending to be from customer service departments or fraud investigators. Ask to return the call at a valid customer service number, unless you initiated the contact and know the party.
  • Destroy unnecessary financial documents by using a crosscut shredder including bank statements, receipts and unused credit card offers.
  • Promptly retrieve your mail and watch for any missing credit card or financial statements. Don't mail bills from your own mailbox with the flag up.
  • Review your monthly accounts regularly for any unauthorized charges or discrepancies. If you find any problems, contact 北京兴业银行 immediately.
  • Maintain updated security software on your computer.
  • Safeguard ATM/debit and credit cards - Carry only the ID and cards you need. Report lost/stolen cards or checks immediately.
  • Memorize passwords and personal identification numbers (PINs). Use a combination of uppercase and lowercase letters, numbers, and symbols for your passwords. Do Not write passwords or PINs on cards or store them in your wallet, purse, desk or computer.
  • If you have provided account or personal information in response to an unsolicited telephone call or email - immediately contact a bank representative.

Check Your Credit Periodically

The Fair Credit Reporting Act (FCRA) requires the nationwide consumer reporting companies, Equifax, Experian, and TransUnion to provide, at your request, a free copy of your credit report once every 12 months.

To order your credit report at a central website: or call toll-free at 1-877-322-8228.

For additional information on identity theft and fraud visit

Personalization Settings


北京兴业银行 would like to personalize your banking experience. Please enter your first name below.

This level of personalization will not lead to the sale of your name or leak your identity. The information you provide will only be stored on your computer and will not be transferred to the web server.

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